Three weeks ’til Disney!

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YEEEE BUDDY only three weeks until I get my ass on that plane to Flo Rida. So much to do before then, and so much has happened since my last post.

So as I mentioned, I was on placement at Newsround at CBBC so I’ve been a busy gal erryday. Loved it so much there, let me be part of the teeeeeeeeeeaaaam?!?!?!

Thursday was our annual uni journalism awards. This year it was held in ‘On the 7th’ which is a private members club for the beeb and ITV at MediaCityUK (ooooh fancy as I know). We got together for a few piccies n proseccos beforehand and then we went over for our free Pimms on arrival. The rest of my pals were there and it was so darn cute. Lots of industry members were there, our lecturers and all of us wannabe hacks were there too. It was just so lovely! Everyone was suited and booted and I even managed to bag myself an award aaaaahhhh! Top radio journalist right here. Got some feedback from my lecturer on my final project too and it seems like things are looking good eeeeeep! Those all nighters must’ve paid off…


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Friday I went back into Newsround to many congratulations (one of the editors and one of the producers went to the awards) which was so lovely and after showing the dep. editor my major project, things are looking bright – Jennie Henry face of CBBC??? It was one of the presenters birthdays so we went out for a boogie and it was wicked.

Saturday I said my goodbyes to my incredible flatmate of three years. We live what seems like poles apart (Essex and Middlesbrough) and it was just one of the most upsetting experiences waaaah cry! We met on the first day of uni and have been like each other’s right arms since. Plenty of giggles, loads of love and not one argument – I’m pretty impressed and so bloody happy I found that girl.shiny gif

To stop me crying all day, me and a couple of my friends went over to the Trafford Centre. I
bought shoes to cheer me up and they’re so shiny I love it.

After emosh talk of leaving everyone and moving back home we decided to have a sleepover YEEEEEES. Moved our mattresses into the living room and played cards, watched films just enjoyed having each other there ARGH WHY AM I MOVING AWAY?!

Today we’re off to get bank holiday sloshed in Spinningfields. It’s sunshiney, it’s hot and it’s going to be so much fun! I’m going to miss these people like crazy, why do things have to come to an end?


Much love x

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